Thursday, October 27, 2005

A little insight into 3 Girls and Us

Thanks for the intro Andy. I thought I'd post a little bit about 3 Girls and Us and how it all started. Might bring a little smile to your face ;o)

So...make no mistake...I'm a dad. I've got 3 girls. Hey, in my household, I'm over-run with female hormones. At the last count it's 14:1 on the girls:guys ratio. (You really want the full run-down? Oh, ok then...3 kids, my wife, the two cats and eight fish).

I work full time. And to make an extra crust (hey, you'd have to with that many women to support!!!) I started a T-shirt store. Well, 'we' started a T-shirt store my wife would say. We're both creative (I'm most proud of my recent 1st Prize in the Pencil Drawing category at our local village fair!!) and thought it would both be a good outlet for our creative juices and might help pay for a few things...the ballet lessons, the jazz lessons, the piano lessons, the shoes...

And now I can't sleep at night. I'm hooked on T-shirts. Everywhere I go I see them...and every time I spot someone with a groovy one I just HAVE to get a close-up look (I'm gonna get arrested one of these days!). We brainstorm ideas on a regular basis. Usually when we're driving in the car, kids in the back seat. That's when "Super Pooper" was born - we were talking about Super Heros after watching the Incredibles at the cinema. Other designs come from the wonderful experience that is being a our "can you smell something" baby T-shirt.

How would I sum up our clothes? Cute, cheeky, cool, groovy clothes for babies, kids, mums and dads. (We try not to leave the parents out...but have to admit, the kids get most of the attention - just like real life - so you'll find stacks of designs in our store for young ones).

And then there's the store's name. Well, that was simple - it had to be about us as a family since our clothes are all about that. so it had to be "3 Girls and Us". Brilliant. Simple. Unique.

But... my wife might be pregnant. Oh boy! Hey, if only it really is a boy!! Some male company for me! Someone to kick a ball round with. Someone to fly kites with. (Hey, that gives me a great idea for a T-shirt...)

And as for the store name? Well, maybe we'll have to change it. "3 Girls and Us...and our Boy!"


Anonymous said...

So, is your wife pregnant or not? If so, congratulations!

Another girl would be just a smuch fun as another boy - trust me - as a mother of five daughters, I know all about how fun it can be to have a family of girls! (We have two male cats to give my husband some male company. LOL!)

Leafy Sheep said...

I have my fingers crossed for you that if your wife is pregnant it is a boy. Don't get me wrong I love girls, I have one. :) Personally I never wanted a boy until I got one and he is the most precious and loving soul you could ever meet.
I also have a store at cafePress (Thanks for your comments about my daughter's art!) and read your profile in the spotlight a little while ago. I am a HUGE fan of your designs, keep up the amazing work.

Blog owner said...

I'm also hoping for an update on whether '3 girls and us' is going to get a new mwmber. Best wishes for the continued success of your store too.