Monday, July 31, 2006


first of all, thanks to andy for inviting me to this blog.
i'm an illustrator, and i do a lot of greeting cards for recycled paper greetings.
mostly kid-cards.
the cards just begged to be made into t-shirts.
("hey, make us into t-shirts!")
so i did.
.......and that's how the cafepress giglets store was born.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

National Breastfeeding Month

August is National Breastfeeding Month

Breastfeeding is not only beneficial for your new baby, but also for you. Listed below are some benefits:

Benefits for the baby:
Encourages optimal development
Increases bonding time with mom
Increases immune function which leads to less sick time
Decreases risk for obesity and hypertension in later life
Decreases risk for the development of allergies

Benefits of breastfeeding for mom:
Breastfeeding requires no preparation so no bottle cleaning, heating, etc.
It's FREE!
Stimulates the uterus to return to its normal size
Increases weight loss
Increases bonding time with baby
Decreases cost of pediatric care due to less sick time for baby
Decreases risk of developing cancer in later life

Support Breastfeeding & Preve Jr. Baby Doll T-Shirt

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

First IVF baby is now pregnant

Andy, in case you haven't heard I'm sure you'd be interested to hear that I read in a newspaper that the world's first IVF baby (Louise Brown) is now three months pregnant herself. The baby was conceived naturally and Louise described it as 'a dream come true'. It's said to be a relief as she reportedly feared that the fertility problems her parents faced may have been passed on to her. She is 27.


Sunday, July 02, 2006

Look what I did!

Look what I did

Since there are a few proud daddies on this blog, and Father's Day has just been, I thought I'd point you all to this Look what I did design. It's a fun and cute way for a dad to be to boast about his exciting news while bringing a smile to everyone's face.

If you have any fun stories about how you announced that *you* were about to become a father, Send them to and it could be published at this pregnancy announcement website.

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